~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. Such a delight it was whenever anyone responded to him in Swedish. Char gave DeVries a thumbs up and a broad grin. Such a gesture from his Head of House made him feel rather over the moon. It was not at all surprising that the other students’ attention was immediately occupied by the tree. The thing was magnificent. “Hi, Desiree. Quite a tree, huh?” He snuck another glance at it before turning as another stool beside him suddenly became occupied. “Hi, Will!” Char was always enthusiastic to see his close buddy. So enthusiastic that he gave the Ravenclaw a friendly punch in the arm.
The Sandbox Tree or Dynamite Tree, huh? Charlie squinted at the tree again because truthfully? The Puff hadn’t heard of it before. And for that reason, he really hadn’t a clue about what the tree was about. Still, the name ‘Dynamite’ had him hazarding a guess. “Perhaps some aspect of the tree explodes,’’ Char volunteered. “Perhaps it’s those spikes that burst their way out of the trunk at rapid speed.” |