Thread: Pub Seating
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Old 06-05-2023, 11:36 PM   #62 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by littledhampir View Post
Indigo's eyes followed Darius' fingers as they moved to his own hair. "Perhaps I could be persuaded to feed it to you," he said with a small smile and a raised eyebrow. Either with chopsticks or with his fingers. He hadn't had sushi from the Leaky Cauldron before, so he was not sure how it was served. It could go either way really, he was never certain which it would be. "Sushi it is then. I'll go place our order."

He stood, and made his way to the counter to order. Luckily it didn't take too long. After just a few minutes he reappeared at their table, with a mug in each hand. He placed them on the table before retaking his seat. "I got us butterbeers too." He hadn't asked, just assumed, so hopefully that would be okay. "The food shouldn't take too long to be ready. In the meantime, tell me about your week?"
Darius' lips curled even more pleasantly than they had been already and considered this a challenge accepted. Though, truth be told, it was less than a challenge and more like a promise. "I shall certainly return the favor when you do." With his fingers, naturally.

Nodding as Indigo momentarily dismissed himself, he leaned back in his seat and draped one arm over the back of his chair while he made himself just a bit more comfortable. He may be feeling a bit more fidgety than usual, but in recent months there had been a sort of calm that came over him whenever he rested his left ankle upon his right knee - hardly even so much as a toe tap near the full moon. The calm had just settled in when Indigo returned with the quintessential Hogwarts darling maneuver: butterbeer. "How precious of you," he laughed softly as he reached for the butterbeer and lifted his mug from the table. "Before indulging in lackluster and inspired tales, a toast," he cooed while straightening. "To...stimulating company and finger foods?"

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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