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Old 06-05-2023, 10:33 PM
MadAlice MadAlice is offline
Default Herbology Class: The Sandbox Tree

Upon walking down to the greenhouses this cold and sunny December day, students will see a sixth building sitting out behind the others. Yes, Professor DeVries has erected yet another temporary greenhouse for his class today--wonder what he's up to now?

The greenhouse looks ordinary enough, but once inside it's immediately clear that it is much taller than the outside of the building seemed to be (ah, magic!) It is very tall and very long, and down at one end stands an extremely large looking tree with a cluster of branches covered with dark green leaves way up high and a bunch of spiky-looking things all over the trunk. Dotted here and there are strange, orange-red, round looking things that very much resemble small pumpkins.

A whiteboard standing immediately inside the entrance bears a message in large letters:

Text Cut: Whiteboard

Please sit down and wait for class to start

There are a number of stools set up at the other end of the room from the tree, and
Professor DeVries is in a corner nearby bending over some trunks, checking to make sure everything is there.

Greetings and Question 1
Answers and Question 2
Main Activity
Class has ended! [Thread will remain open until 6/16 pm]