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Old 06-05-2023, 08:25 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Laini Gracae-Ryans
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Originally Posted by astrocat View Post
Jonah usually preferred having other people shop for him, or ordering things online. There were real reasons for that, by the way. It wasn't that he was lazy or that he thought himself above the physical act of shopping. Today, though, he felt well, and he thought it would be nice to go on a walk. He might as well run his errands too, right? So far he'd done the bookstore, the clothing store, lunch, and picked up a present for a friend. He was glad the apothecary was his last stop, because he really needed to sit down soon.

Jonah wanted to keep this visit short, so of course he had a neat list of what he needed. He selected an invigoration draught, and a sleeping draught. Pepperup potion and burn-healing paste were also taken from the shelves. And...was there scar cream here? He didn't see any, but he may have not been looking hard enough. Or perhaps there was some in the back. Jonah had promised to get some for a friend and didn't want to let her down, but he also was desperate to sit down right now. He was a little bit impatient, and in his haste he almost bumped into a woman looking intently at the shelves. He didn't really bump into her, of course. He was always careful not to fall. Or make other people fall, for that matter. "Sorry, excuse me." He immediately felt the need to make it up to her for almost bumping into her(almost to Jonah was actually not very close, but still). "Are you looking for something important?" Perhaps he could help. And then he could get the scar cream and finally return home and never go shopping again.
Fortunately he hadn't really bumped into her because her heels were almost as fragile as they looked and, though she wouldn't ever admit to it, she was pretty fragile too. So. It was for the best that he wasn't totally clumsy or anything, though he did give her a spook! "Um. That's okay," she assured him with a small smile as she went back to her search.


Only to be immediately interrupted again. Kins wasn't patient to begin with so if he planned to carry on like this, it was possible that she'd totally burn through what little patience she possessed. Was she looking for something important. "Yes." Her answer was short, but honest. He didn't need to know the particular what. It was a hard lesson, learning who she could or couldn't say things to. The last thing she needed was something like this to leak to the media. Gideon was good at letting this stuff roll off his back, but she wasn't. So. So even after all of his assurances, she still practiced lots and lots and lots of precautions, ok? "Like, really important." She clarified.
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