HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
The weather had not been kind today and Aurora’s plans to spend a couple of hours outside in the grounds has been ruined by the rain. Instead she had found herself wandering the hallways of the school trying to find something to do so, or rather someone to talk to about absolute nonsense. She had finished her homework for that week in the morning leaving the afternoon free for the choosing. Whether her homework was correct was another matter but for now she didn’t exactly care.
She found her way along the first floor corridor where she came across the large collection of portraits hung on the wall. They had always intimidated her a little as they seemed to watch her every move and listen to her every word. Not that Aurora did anything against the rules to get in trouble with but still..
She stopped next to a particular portrait which she squinted her eyes suspiciously at.
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