Basic Information
Full name: Nadia Talika Atreyu-Rehman
Nickname: Nadi, Nads (Dynah)
Gender: Female
Date of birth:
Nationality: British
Blood status: Half-Blood
Wand: 9½ inch bendy holly with unicorn hair
Hair colour: Brown
Hair style: On the short side
Eye colour: Brown
Skin tone:
Height: 4'7"
Weight: Average for her age albeit maybe on the skinny side.
Clothing style: A mix of girly athletic
Other distinguishing features:
Traits: Outgoing like her Daddy and twin sister
Likes: Sweets, adventure
Good at:
Bad at:
Hobbies: Flying
Fears: Losing Family
Ambition: Playing Quidditch
Father: Aditya Atreyu-Rehman
Father: Benjamin Atreyu-Rehman
Siblings: Rajesh Atreyu-Rehman, Dynah Atreyu-Rehman, Aryan Atreyu-Rehman
Atreyu grandparents: Cassiopeia and Lukas Atreyu
Rehman grandparents: Indira Rai- Rehman (deceased) and Saieed Rehman (deceased)
Uncles: Frankie Paton, Amir Rehman
Aunts: Hady Paton
Other noteworthy relatives:
Family home: "The Cliffs" Dragon Reserve - Weybourne, Norfolk, England
Family background:
Individual magic
Wand reaction when first held: Warm to touch and cast a sunflower upon wave
Boggart: TBD
Patronus: TBD
Animagus: TBD
Polyjuice: TBD
Amortentia: TBD
(What happened before Hogwarts)
Nadia was born as a twin through surrogacy to Aditya and Benjamin Atreyu-Rehman. Together they are the middle children but that didn't make any bit of difference when in comparison to her older brother, Rajesh or younger brother Aryan. a point that both parents did their best to keep, especially given she and her sister Dynah were biologically connected to their fathers while the boys are both adopted.
Raised on a Dragon and Hippogriff reserve, she has been surrounded by creatures of all sorts her entire life and like the rest of her family has an affinity for them.
Nadia is quite excited for joining her elder brother at Hogwarts to explore what she can out of Hogwarts and everything there is to learn.
SPOILER!!: Years at Hogwarts
First year
Sorted into: Gryffindor
Best subject:
Favorite subject: Flying
Favorite teacher: Aunt Hads...duh!
Worst subject:
Least favorite subject: History of Magic
Least favorite teacher:
Quidditch: Watching from sidelines unfortunately
Friends: Anna Walles
Christmas holiday:
Second year
Best subject:
Favorite subject: Flying
Favorite teacher: Aunt Hads still!
Worst subject:
Least favorite subject:
Least favorite teacher:
Friends: Anne Walles, Vera Thanatos
Christmas holiday:
(What happened after Hogwarts)