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Kai Reed may only be eight years old but he did know he loved butterbeer with all his little heart. “Butterbeer?” he asked quietly, first tugging on his mother’s elbow then his father’s. It was the perfect day for an ice cold mug of the treat. Besides, Kai wanted a rest from all the walking he and his parents had been doing so far. He gave both adults his most winning and charming smile so that they’d say ‘yes’ to his request in a heartbeat.
Oh, the blond wasn’t being manipulative.
He just really wanted butterbeer. In any case, momma and daddy spoiled him everyday. Especially momma. And Kai loved them both for it. More than that? He loved them more than he loved butterbeer, even if for some strange reason he resembled neither.
Walking behind his wife and son by just a step, River could already tell that their not-so-little one was getting tired. His little legs could only go so far, and maybe there was simply so much to do in Diagon Alley that Kai's energy was running just a tad low at this point. But no matter, River was ready to carry him if needed. The usual daddy duties he's been doing for Kai since he came into their lives.
While his arms and back were ready to be engaged for a lift and a piggyback ride, River actually did not expect the stop at the Butterbeer cart. It momentarily slipped his mind that kids liked all things sugary and notoriously sweet. As a healer, he obviously made sure Kai (and Cami) ate healthy food on a daily. But maaaybe just for today, he would allow Kai a mug. He will have to pass though. Well, okay, maybe bug and share with the wife until she tells him to buy his own share.
"Hmm," River hummed low, trying his best to resist those eyes. He knew what this child was doing. He is guilty of spoiling this boy.
"I believe you forgot the magic word. It starts with a 'P'?" he asked as he fixed Kai's golden hair with his massive hand.