Thread: Pub Seating
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Old 05-02-2023, 02:08 PM   #54 (permalink)

Blast-Ended Skrewt
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Hadleigh Renee Paton (DarkGreen)

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Bryony Rose Paton (#FF69B4)
Fourth Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium

Originally Posted by Chelliephone View Post
As if he would ever say no to video games with his baby cousin. Who wasn't at all a baby anymore. And truthfully, he probably could use reminders he wasn't that much older. The difference in age between him and Marley was less than him and his oldest sister, and yet he still continued to feel like he was ancient in comparison.

He was going to blame his siblings and all their shenanigans for that.

Pfft, publich schmublic. Catching Mar he gave her the biiiiiggest squeeze, lifting her off the ground in the process. "I've missed you!" He knew she was teasing, but the full time in Korea was difficult at times when his family was all so far away. But he was glad Marley also understood, as he knew they all did. Emi was his future and being parted from her would have been even more difficult. "I'm doing good! I've been getting to learn a lot of new art techniques. I've been trying to work with pottery more, but I'm no where near what Davion can do." So he'd choose to leave that to his brother. As for Emilia? His entire countenance changed getting to talk about her, who happened to be one of his favorite subjects. "She's the best. Training has her tired a lot, but it seems like she really loves what she's doing so she generally bounces back. Even with living right there now it still seems it's hard to find time together, but... that's not going to be the case for forever so it's okay." He understood the demands of being an idol. He hadn't loved when they'd tried to circulate dating rumors about her with someone else but... what mattered was he knew the truth.

"How're YOU? Are you excited for your final year? How's Elias?" It was still sometimes hard for him to adjust to the fact she had a boyfriend, but it was clear the boy made her so happy how could he be anything but supportive?

Setting her back down on her feet and letting her go, he motioned for her to take a seat next to the packages. "What do you want for food? It's on me and I can go grab it while you open all of these." It was mainly just pieces of art he had created for her over the year. A portrait of her, some abstract pieces in her favorite colors, and quite a few pottery pokemon. She was the only person he knew would appreciate those as much as he did.
Would gladly play video games with him all afternoon and remind him the entire time that he isn't OLD! If he was old then so was she and well, umm, no she was not.

"I've missed you more!" She laughed as she held onto him all the while squishing him as best as she could. He had always been bigger than her but had he grown even taller since being gone or was it just that long since she had seen him that it felt that way?! Not to worry cousin, she understood. "Pottery?! That sounds like fun! I'd love to see some of that. How's Davion? How is everyone?!" Tell her all of the things please. Gosh, being at Hogwarts was great but being away from everyone was hard. Marley smiled as she watched Tavvy's face when he talked about Emilia. "You'll tell her that I said hi, yeah? And that I say to keep up the amazing work and I miss her too." She really liked her, especially because she made Tavion so happy.

"Me? I'm amazing! Still busting my behind training all of the time." Ballet was no joke! "More than ready! I've already worked out a study schedule." Yes, very much a Ravenclaw, right here. And there is was. Could Tav see how her cheeks flushed pink at the mention of Elias still? "He's wonderful. They graduated this year and then there was Lia's wedding which you know but that's a big change for him." Knows how Elias can be with change and how protective he is of his sisters. They were all still close though so she didn't think they had any problems.

Food? Open ALL of those? What in the name of Merlin was all of that?! Marley took a seat and looked at all of the packages. "Surprise me. I trust you and you know what I like anyhow. What is all of this?!" She laughed softly, reaching out to pick up the one closest to her and turning it over in her hands carefully before starting to open it. Each of these would find a special place in her room at home and some might even make their way with her to Hogwarts.
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