Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede! Quote:
Originally Posted by itsjustjesse
Will’s comment elicited a small snort of a laugh out of Dot. Running from siblings was far too understandable when you had a collection of siblings of your own. ”I get it, ... it was just a smooth transition from standing to not standing” she had jested at him as he moved to sit next to her. ”oh, I figured it hurt, but ... it was smooth you know? like if I’d done that I’d have landed face-first in the bench or on someone’s lap” she shuddered slightly at the idea of landing on people.
When he asked her about the Raven she just smirked. ”yeaaaah but Pygmy Puff’s can’t learn to talk I mean ... hello? Ravens can speak” her small grin kept growing as she thought about the idea and leaned into her friend’s shoulder. ”I know I probably won’t be able to do it but I’d even settle for befriending a wild one I mean its not like i’m trying to get a Knarl or something that can’t be domesticated” birds were smart after all. Still, it wasn’t like she was going to sneak one onto campus. That would be absolutely bonkers of her. She would never get away with that. When Will commented about wanting something special she squinted at him for a moment, "why not see if you can get a singing toad or frog or Kneazle?"
His landing had been smooth? Had Dot really seen his dance and how hard he had landed on the ground? Will was doubtful and repeated again "Smooth? How was my fall smooth?" It confused him since he probably had a nice blooming bruise that was forming somewhere down below but it was quickly forgotten as Dot's last words made him super curious. "You've landed in someone's lap after after a fall?" The face-first into a bench image made Will wince in sympathy for his friend. "That's true, and I get the talking allure, but Pygmy puff's are a lot easier to handle and cuddly." Will felt it necessary to still argue for the pygmy puff's case even if he wasn't likely to buy one for himself anytime soon. "You like knarls too?" Will asked trying to understand. Why was Dot so interested in getting a pet that was hard if not impossible to domesticate and not something she could bring to Hogwarts? "Maybe you can ask professor Paton if she has any creatures that needs a carer or owner when we get to school? She might be able to set you up." Then Dot would be safe and Will wouldn't need to worry. He shook his head at his friend as he asked bewildered "Do you see me as a singing frog or toad owning person?"
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