Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein Quote:
Originally Posted by Waddles Picking pretty ink colors for her notes? That had not even occurred to Eulalia as an option. She shook her head. "Black and blue," she said. "Plus orange for annotations." She had decided against red because she worried red ink would look too much like blood.
Lally puffed her chest out a little bit when Tam said she didn't have a wand yet. "I got mine, it's good for dueling," she announced. That sounded a lot more impressive than the part she found personally more exciting, that it was good for nonverbal spells. And she wanted to impress her cousin. "Have you gotten anything yet, or just that book?" With being part of such a big family, Tam was always trying to think of ways here and there that she could personalize things - even if it was just her notes. She wanted to ask her parents if she could have a deep gray, which she just thought would look pretty on paper but not nearly as harsh as black. Orange was a good selection too though! It was different than the usual red, which truthfully she probably would have shied away from as well. "Orange is nice! Orange and blue are also complimentary so when you write them together on a page I bet it'll look extra nice!"
A wand good for duelling? Her brown eyes went WIDE as her mouth dropped into a small O. "Duelling? That sounds exciting!" And like Lally. "I hope mine is good for non-verbals or something!" She liked the idea of being able to cast spells without drawing attention to herself. So she would have been EXTRA excited (and jealous) of the other thing it was good at! At the question of if she'd gotten anything else, she turned a bit red. "Well... no.. I got a little distracted. I think my parents were going to just grab stuff for us!" Though she was supposed to be helping with a divide and conquer type of situation. "What do you still need to get?"
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start |