Constant Vigilance! O_O AWAKE! Quote:
Originally Posted by Chelliephone Hearing her own words repeated back to her managed to confuse Tam, which made her wonder if she had just been too focused on her imagined concerto or she'd been distracted by the reptile on her shoulder. She glanced down at the book again and pointed at the last name of the person who had compiled the pieces and made adaptations to the sheets to fit the cello. "I think I got confused. The person on the front of this book is Alredge, but Atticus is the shop and and... " It was a nice sounding name though, wasn't it?
The sigh in itself was pretty telling and Tam smiled sympathatically as she reached out to pat her cousin's shoulder before brown eyes turned towards the stationary shop a bit down the alley. "Did you at least get to pick any pretty ink colors for your notes or anything?" If she could pick, she thought she'd settle on purple. Purple flowers were her favorite and it was so regal. Would school notes be more interesting if they were regal?
At the wand question the girl shook her head. She'd asked to save that for last because she was both a little bit nervous but also thought she'd be TOO excited to focus on anything else once she'd been paired. She was really just hoping for something decent with transfiguration. "Have you gone already?" Picking pretty ink colors for her notes? That had not even occurred to Eulalia as an option. She shook her head. "Black and blue," she said. "Plus orange for annotations." She had decided against red because she worried red ink would look too much like blood.
Lally puffed her chest out a little bit when Tam said she didn't have a wand yet. "I got mine, it's good for dueling," she announced. That sounded a lot more impressive than the part she found personally more exciting, that it was good for nonverbal spells. And she wanted to impress her cousin. "Have you gotten anything yet, or just that book?" |