Originally Posted by Nordic Witch It hurt!! It really hurt!
Will's bottom parts were hurting like dragon fire, and here Dot thought he had come out of it unscathed? Will prided himself on having a good poker face as he clambered up on his feet with some difficulty to sit down on the park bench next to Dot. With a thoughtful smile pursing his lips he contemplated her question. "I'm a talented young man true, but no I have never fallen down a flight of stairs with a drink in my hand, and managed to come out of it unscatched. When I've fallen down stairs in the past after being chased by one of my many siblings then I usually end up with a bruised head or banged arm." Wasn't that the truth? He had enough memories, and a few scars too to prove it. "Plus, landing hard on my bottom does hurt." He just had to point that out to Dot. "You want a pet raven?" Will asked with a raised brow. "Why not a rat or a pygmy puff or owl?" They seemed like more reasonable pets. He knew what it said on the list about pets, and raven's weren't included on the allowed list. "I want to get a pet too, but I want something that isn't so popular you know like a cat that everyone else seems to have. I want something different, special."
Will’s comment elicited a small snort of a laugh out of Dot. Running from siblings was far too understandable when you had a collection of siblings of your own. ”I get it, ... it was just a smooth transition from standing to not standing” she had jested at him as he moved to sit next to her. ”oh, I figured it hurt, but ... it was smooth you know? like if I’d done that I’d have landed face-first in the bench or on someone’s lap” she shuddered slightly at the idea of landing on people.
When he asked her about the Raven she just smirked. ”yeaaaah but Pygmy Puff’s can’t learn to talk I mean ... hello? Ravens can speak” her small grin kept growing as she thought about the idea and leaned into her friend’s shoulder. ”I know I probably won’t be able to do it but I’d even settle for befriending a wild one I mean its not like i’m trying to get a Knarl or something that can’t be domesticated” birds were smart after all. Still, it wasn’t like she was going to sneak one onto campus. That would be absolutely bonkers of her. She would never get away with that. When Will commented about wanting something special she squinted at him for a moment, "why not see if you can get a singing toad or frog or Kneazle?"
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________ |