Originally Posted by Nordic Witch "Dot?" Will asked in a waved greeting as he approached the park bench with every intention of taking a seat beside his friend, and kicking off his shoes. His feet got so warm when he had sneakers on especially in the summer months. Walking around in DA shops to look for school supplies didn't help. Luckily for Will he was allowed a bit of freedom and could wander off for an hour or so and meet up with a friend or two, and drink something cold without his mum watching his every step. His siblings couldn't say the same.
Unfortunatley Will still hadn't gotten used to his new glasses, and when he was and wasn't supposed to wear them, and as thus his vision wasn't the best. This lead to him tripping over his own two big feet on his way to Dot, and after a bit of a dance he landed flat on the ground on his bottom in front of his friend asking curiously "What's hard Dot?"
Hearing her nickname was what had broken Dot out of her thoughts. The aching race of her mind quelled as she searched for Will, her eyes widening as she watched the scene playout in front of her. Holy cannoli had he just – had that really just happened? Her lips parted as she wanted to call out to say careful as she saw him careening down the street toward her. Is he going to stop in time? was her final thought before he came to a record scratch of a stop and landed in front of her. It took her a moment to realize he was asking her a question when every part of her brain was trying to piece together how he had fallen so gracefully. She would have careened straight into him had she been the one falling. ”have you ever ... fallen down a flight of stairs holding a drink and managed not to spill a lick of it? Because I’m pretty sure you have a talent or falling well and coming out of it rather unscathed” she was honestly quite impressed by this talent. Not that she would test it out by seeing its limits. That was something a good friend would not do. What was hard – she paused as she tried to remember what she had been thinking about. ”Oh! hard ... well, the ground – are you okay? But really really I’m contemplating a new pet? I kind of want to see if I can bring a Raven to school or just befriend one at school and make a friend for life that way” if she went the making a friend of life route she wondered if that friendship would follow her family forever.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________ |