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Old 04-19-2023, 07:06 AM   #25 (permalink)

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Default almost just went with Valerie....but how could I resist?
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Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi View Post
Noltie's Botanical Novelties...

Daniel raised his head to read the sign. He couldn't recall ever going inside this shop, but it had piqued his interest. He stood at the window, and when he saw his reflection, he adjusted the collar of his shirt before entering.

He wasn't just looking around the store; he had plans to buy something. He wanted to give his grandmother a new plant for her birthday because it was one of her favorite things. The problem was... he wasn't certain which plant would be good for an older person who was also a Muggle.
He was convinced that Dr. Myrna Tozer was offer her rocker and may need to have her license revoked. She knew his Herbology why would she even fathom suggesting that he get himself a little houseplant for his room and, eventually, own flat. His own flat was still...pending. The details of all that a little overwhelming but also knowing he did not want to live at home for all too long either. It was fine for now, the post graduation lull and general lethargicness ought to be indulged in for at least a little bit before he was smack in the face with the bag of bricks that would be university life, at home was a temporary solution to his social apprehensions. He supposed that the tipping point to following through with the woman's suggestion was not only his aunt's encouragement but also Freddie's.

Okay, fine, he will get the stupid houseplant and no one better be on his back about it dying on his watch.

Stepping into the shop, Atlas did what he could to avoid the one plant wrangler who had a stare that was scarier than the Neo Alliance at times - okay, so that really was not a fair comparison but she was really intimidating and really hard not to gawk at because she was quite striking, and maneuvered about the shop while adjusting his backwards baseball cap until he meandered over to the mundane plant section and found...Daniel Yoon.

"Careful, that one will throw thorns at you if you look at it funny," he warned dryly as his hands slipped into his pockets and he rocked back on his heels.

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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