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Old 04-17-2023, 02:17 PM   #24 (permalink)

Alley Proprietor
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Apollonia Fergersnout

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aurora Ackerly
Sixth Year

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Tessa McKinley
Nesting Occamy Rentals

x12 x6
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more

SPOILER!!: Spider!boy

It had soon become apparent that she was not going to comply. Solomon sighed heavily and then gently bent down to pick up the cage, cringing and wincing as he did so. He grumbled, “you know, this would never have happened if you hadn’t have snuck up on me.” HMPTH. The beast was now safely back on the shelf, and the process of doing so had already formed a tight bond between them. The spider shall be named, Brutus.

I was only…” thinking about the chaos that would ensue if tarantulas were let loose in the magical menagerie, “… trying giving the poor guy some fresh air.” A dumb grin escaped his lips.

No but really, he would never do anything to harm the creature.

What are YOU doing by the spiders?” Solomon asked, oh-so judgementally. Because why would a sweet little girl be over here with the BRUTUSES.

Of course Aurora was not going to comply. Shewasn’t the clumsy responsible one who dropped it in the first place. “I didn’t sneak up, you just didn’t notice me.” There was obviously a BIG difference there. The boy should work on his vigilance like they had been taught in Defence Against the Dark Arts. She also didn’t believe a word he was saying about trying to give the tarantula fresh air. “You’d better not let her near the Fwooper!” Birds ate insects didn’t they? She assumed that the Fwooper might too but they hadn’t yet covered that in lessons.

Aurora might have been tiny and blonde and resemble a fragile little Princess and in some ways that might have been true but that didn’t mean that she was scared of spiders. Apart from her ongoing war with Squirrels and Gnomes, the Ravenclaw loved most creatures and would always be fascinated by them. That didn’t necessarily mean that she was ever going to own one for she’d much rather have something cuddly and sweet that would love her unconditionally. “I was saying hello to ALL the animals.” Scaly and hairy and eight legged included. “Did you know that female tarantulas are bigger and eat the males?” she smirked. Because GIRLS were clearly superior!

The boy didn’t ask and most likely didn’t care but she was going to tell him anyway. “I’m Aurora.” Like the Princess. If she was going to keep his secret and not tell on him to any of the adults she’d better know his name.
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