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Old 04-14-2023, 04:39 PM   #15 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Join Date: Feb 2011
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mackenzie Alistaire Mordaunt
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Yoji Christopher Reed
First Year
x12 x12
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy

Originally Posted by Chelliephone View Post
Snakes being misunderstood seemed to be a theme all around, especially given the term was also used for Slytherins as a whole. Which... she realized she did not currently have any Slytherin friends, but not from any type of prejudice of her own she just hadn't met many. She didn't think they had the same reputation as they had historically, but... in the past they'd often been stereotyped as being 'evil' as a whole group. Snakes weren't evil. And neither was any symbolism of them. They were simply a creature. A creature that she would point out, that happened to be a delicacy of one of the other house creatures.

But that was neither here nor there.

Her cheeks were a bit red from her own embarrassment, and she considered explaining that it wasn't him exactly but just that she'd been in her own head and thought the snake was speaking to her for a moment. But she realized that was actually probably even more embarrassing so perhaps it was best to just leave it alone, which was what she then did. She heard the quiet apology, but considering he was also looking at the reptile she couldn't decipher if it was for her or the snake, but on the off chance it'd been her and rude to not say anything she gave a quick, "It's fine!"

Even if she could not purchase the little guy, she was tempted to still ask if she could bring him out and hold him for a bit. Though truthfully that probably just would have further encouraged her to still adopt him, maybe take him home for Vesper where she could still hang out with the snake too. An almost good idea, but seemed if her sister was also going to get a pet she should probably be able to be a part of that selection. "Different enclosures does make sense but... then I'd also have to split my time between the pair of them and what if one started to feel neglected?" She was only home so many months of the year for the time being. And if she did receive permission to take Sass, well she couldn't very well take TWO creatures. It was better to wait. Once she was graduated she could have as many as she wanted. Her attention turned back towards the slytherin and she moved to perch near him, also facing towards the reptiles so she could observe. "Ball pythons are really cute! And the albino ones always look so magestic. Ruby is a good name. Is it because her eyes are red?" She knew not all of the albino creatures had reddish hue to their eyes, but she was curious if that was what had lent to his snake's name. "I still have to owl Professor Paton to double check but I'm hoping to take mine to school." And she was 14, soon to be 15 in November and a little more responsible so... she was expecting an affirmative answer.


The problem really wasn't the house mascot, but the people who do stereotype the members of Slytherin. To be fair, the people who are not from that house would have a limited understanding of what Slytherins are truly made of, however, it is mostly the bias of past generations that overshadows the rather good side of Slytherin. They were just as determined as Gryffindors, loyal like Hufflepuffs, and smart like Ravenclaws. Now if he was to be biased about his own house, he would say that the combination of the other houses would be the reason why Slytherins are cunning. Mackenzie has had this understanding since the beginning as most of his family were former Slytherins, but he also understood the prejudice that came with it.

"As long as they are taken care of with food and the regular cleaning of their tanks, snakes won't mind. That's one of the great things about them, they don't need to be coddled." that was also the reason why he was okay leaving Ruby behind last term because she was fine on her own with little maintenance from his dad. A rare hint of a smile graced Mackenzie's face when she mentioned Ruby. "No, she actually has blue eyes. And I named her Ruby just because. She looks even more exquisite with that name, in my opinion." he said. "You'll be able to see and meet her next term," and to be honest, Mackenzie was quite excited about that.

The silence that came next brought a feeling of awkwardness, and before he could even delve into it, he'd heard a crash, breaking the tension building up. Mackenzie looked over his shoulder but didn't see anyone behind them. However, there seemed to be a need for cleanup in the next room. Well, not his problem.

Now, where was he? Ah yes, the awkward silence. "I actually find it funny that my pet got introduced first," he said, glancing over to the brunette beside him. "I'm Mackenzie by the way."

"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio
Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
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