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Old 04-14-2023, 03:30 AM   #15 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sophia Svensson #556B2F
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Eulalia Walles (#F48037)
Fourth Year
Constant Vigilance! O_O AWAKE!

Joe didn't really want to focus on discussing his potions textbook as he wasn't technically supposed to be reading on the job. But he couldn't just ignore the kid's question, either. "Maybe it's not boring, then," he admitted. "Maybe I was just really tired." Which he could have been. He did not have the best study/sleep balance, especially given how much of his not-really-free time was dedicated to trying (unsuccessfully) to invent his own prank products. He'd get there eventually.

"It actually turns you into a bird, a giant canary, for...about sixty seconds," Joe said, exaggerating a bit. "It's a prank, normally..." He shrugged, slightly uncomfortable with encouraging these children to prank...whoever they intended to prank. Their parents? That was probably not going to be a good outcome, if they decided to feed their parents the canary creams.

Still, who they pranked wasn't his problem. There wasn't an age limit on Canary Cream sales.

"Having a canary cream yourself is fine, but part of the experience is the surprise of suddenly being a bird. It's exhilarating. One minute you're you, the next you've got feathers, then poof!" he snapped his fingers. "Then you're you again." All this talk of canary creams made him want to take a box home for his roommate. Maybe mail a box to Grayson.

His eyes narrowed as the boy turned the topic to fireworks. "I'm afraid I can't sell you fireworks," he said. Those did have an age limit. Well, maybe not an official one, but he was going to use his occasionally good judgment and not sell fireworks to a couple of children who weren't even old enough for Hogwarts. "The canary creams are your best option, I think."
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