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Old 04-13-2023, 10:55 PM   #15 (permalink)

Blast-Ended Skrewt
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Join Date: Sep 2007
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Vera Brinley Thanatos
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mandrake Beery
Third Year
Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein

SPOILER!!: Daniel!
Originally Posted by Lottiepot View Post

Daniel’s mission to the Apothecary was promptly disturbed by a nudge from another human. Ordinarily in his youth, the man would have berated them for daring to invade his personal space and the poor recipient, whether it was accidental or not, may have been subjected to a hex or too. In recent years, he was able to control his temper much more easily. The victim instead received one of his scowls which quite frankly was equally as terrifying as seeing him with his wand withdrawn. The look softened a fraction however when the other person started to speak and actually knew his name.

The voice of his mother rang around his head. ‘You have to treat the Amsterns with respect. They are practically your cousins.’ The thirty-one year old sighed inaudibly. “Kimberly.” The greeting was short and frank but at least it was respectful. As for the statement about him being out in the sunlight, Daniel couldn’t help the sneer from escaping his lips. “You speak as if I am a Vampire.” Daniel would never lower himself to that. “Unfortunately Diagon Alley is the only location I am able to get a certain ingredient for my potions. I thought I’d better get it over with before the children returned.” Daniel was yet to have any nieces or nephews and so his experience with children was limited nor did he have the patience to deal with them and their neediness.

If he was being completely honest, the former Slytherin couldn’t keep up with the Amstern children and their lives. He might’ve been one of five himself but listening to his mother talking about these large families was not his idea of entertainment. He knew there were several grandchildren in the family but who had what child was completely beyond him. Despite not being a people person, Daniel was also quite intuitive and noticed the wince from Kimmie immediately upon turning around. His eyes glanced down to her arm. “I’m assuming you are here for that?” His father Freddie had inked himself in his youth often, Daniel had however decided never to tarnish his body with such things.

There had been a time in her life when Daniel's scowls certainly could have rendered her unable to move as well, but with age she'd grown bolder. Or perhaps she'd just lost the ability to fear anything other than perhaps the safety of her daughters. Either way, the scowl did not last in it's ferocity for long and she nearly laughed as some of the harshness ebbed away. "That almost looks like a smile from you. Happy to see me?" She was teasing him, naturally. But at the same time it had been so long since she had seen Aunt Trixie or any of her offspring that truthfully, his face was a welcome one to run into.

Not that that would save him from any of her harassment.

"That was exactly the implication. It's because you're pasty." She teasing, another small laugh escaping her lips as she used her non-newly inked arm to move her long blonde hair over her shoulder. His wanting to avoid the loud, chaos of a Diagon Alley filled with small humans was no surprise to her. As much as she liked to be around kids, she could easily see how it would be a nightmare for others. "What potion are you brewing?" It was always of interest to her too when one had to use such rare ingredients, even if that had always been her hardest subject to struggle through.

At his question, blue eyes moved back towards her arm as she admired the newest addition to her body art, before giving a small nod in the affirmative. "It is. I've tried a couple other parlours but... I just like the service here best." This was was already number 10 for her, though outside of the one covering the jagged scar across her should from the war and now this new one, they remained fairly small in size. "I wish I'd run into you earlier. We could have got tattoos together, Danny!" She assumed he knew she was already trying to get under his skin, and curious to see if it was working and if he made it as simple as Lucas.
_________ _________________________________________

Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
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