• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry •
What a year, Ean thought. Two years in the game and he was mostly pleased with the calm closure. Pleasantries were exchanged with his co-workers as he took his seat beforehand. Conversations flew over as he wondered if the next one will follow suit as a warm smile filled him hearing the closing speech. He had a whole crew of graduates that won't be blossoming his corridors any longer and less questions to answer. Very bittersweet.
Oh yeah, Hufflepuff won. Good for them. Feirgrund's Gryffindor pride was still there but not as huge as in the past so he accepted their third place win as he applauded with the others. This summer though, he had some plans ahead of him. Looking forward to seeing his partner and kids again as he tucked into the last meal of the term. |