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Old 04-12-2023, 09:39 AM   #14 (permalink)

Wizarding World RPG Admin
Minister for Magic

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Romanian Longhorn
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Join Date: Aug 2010
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Anna Walles
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sage Ransom-Kruus
Seventh Year

Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office

Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post

x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

Such irony. She was worried that implying the team was not doing well because of the Sam shaped hole may cause additional distress and guilt because of what had happened to him as well as a reminder that he was not his best presently. Or maybe she was projecting a bit because that was how she would feel in his situation and thus she was tiptoeing a little.

Or a lot. Tiptoeing a lot.

"Then it sounds like the best thing to do is to go to the stadium," she beamed up at him with a quick bounce up on to her toes and a sweet kiss to his cheek as well. "So then the question is..." she hummed as she hopped another step forward, her arm looped through his, and picked up another magazine to flip through. "Do we go with a box seat or into the regular seating?" And if a box seat...his family's or the Minister's?

Maybe his family. Mentioning it to grandpa may result in an overwhelming situation for Sam because, well, grandpa was starting to hoot about certain aspirations.

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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