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Phoenix would agree that they were a pretty good match or at least they were good partners for dueling practice today. But Phoenix's logic and practicality matched with Vera's bubbliness and spontaneity reminded him a little of a yin yang and he wondered if that would translate into a balanced dueling team. Only one way to find out.
He waited for her to bow, but then was slightly surprised to see that she cast first. Normally he'd expect the defensive spell - her shield spell - to come after one sent an offensive spell and it threw him off, just a bit. Was she being impulsive or was this part of her strategy? He was tempted to wait until right when her shield started to dissipate before casting as part of his own strategy.
He paused a long moment, whether it was to partially wait out her charm or because he was still considering his own spell to use, he did not say, but he eventually sent a tickling charm at her. "Rictusempra!"
Had she heard his thought the idea of their personality creating any type of balance, she probably would have remarked that in her experience she did not seem to balance logic and practicallity very well - ask her twin if one wanted evidence. But then again, she and Vasco had never tried duelling together so.... maybe.
Impulsive. The answer was always impulsive when it came to Vera, but she would have been tickled had she known that he actually considered it a
strategy. Could she throw people off so much mid duels by just doing exactly what they wouldn't expect (because it was dumb) that she could then go undeafeted? The most likely answer was no - but it seemed worth a try.
Though that also immediately backfired, considering her spell did in fact dissipate just as the his came towards her. She raised her wand to cast again, and yet was nowhere near fast enough - instead getting hit by his rictusempra and dissolving into a fit of giggles. Raising her own wand, she pointed it back towards him.
"Ex-exp - expelliarmus!" The giggles left her spell incredibly weak though.