~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. AThe students were filing in and so were the other professors. “Good evening to you, Celeste! Yes, we sure did.” There was a hint of amusement and wonder in their tone because they were thinking of all the events that had occurred in recent years; the amusement was wholly due to the lucky fact that they had missed any form of chaos, good or bad. Indeed it had been quite the peaceful year. Javier’s comment got a chuckle out of them. “I wouldn’t call it lucking out if you’ve got a bunch of adolescents to teach.” These students knew how to keep everyone on their toes; overall, they were a good bunch and Dhruv was sorry to see the graduates go. But there was the new batch of first years and transfers to look forward to next term. More chuckling ensued from them, this time it was because of the Headmaster. Dhruv greeted him and secretly hoped the speech wouldn’t be long now. Their stomach was just about to commence embarrassingly loud whale noises.
Mercifully, it didn’t come to that. Their eyes swept the four House tables as Winterbottom gave the speech, and they too could not help but feel thankful too.
Thankful that the students and the rest of the staff had welcomed and accepted them into Hogwarts. |