Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede! Bella wiped away some tears from her eyes after writing her passage in the memory book. Writing that for history had felt very definite and scary. Tomorrow she'd be a Hogwarts graduate that was going to go off to university in the fall to study something that she still didn't know what it was. Healer specializing in creatures sounded like a dream or maybe auror or something.
Slowly the darkhaired snakette headed over to sit down at the snake table being relieved to see that only one other girl had beaten her to the table. Good, Bella wasn't going to get peppered with questions about graduation. Plastering on a smile as she slipped down on a seat opposite the slightly younger girl Bella greeted "Hi Lydia! Have you got any summer plans?"
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