HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
It was hard to believe that the end of Aurora’s first year at Hogwarts had finally come to its climax. Although as the month had drawn on Aurora had been looking forward to seeing her beloved mums again as any eleven-year-old would, she would miss her newly acquired friends and the school over the summer. She was hoping that her parents would take her and her sister on holiday to Greece again like they had most years to enjoy the beach and the sun and the fact that there would be no homework and Ari had finished the OWL’s that she was so busy stressing over. She would also be celebrating her twelfth birthday as one of the youngest in the school and a July baby which was kind of sad that she wouldn’t be with her friends but at least she could see her family, cousins and all, instead.
The blonde was also absolutely starving hungry which was perhaps why she had arrived so early at the end-of-year feast that barely anyone else was around. It wasn’t like arriving early would make the food arrive quicker but still here she was, bright eyed and bushy tailed, plopping herself down on the bench in the middle of the Ravenclaw table and forcing everyone else to have to sit around her because SHE was friendly and sociable and therefore everyone else had to be too. Her hair was braided into a pair of pigtails and she was wearing a pink friendship bracelet which peeked out from underneath her sleeve which she had made for her sister wherever she might be. She glanced up at the banners of blue and gold floating above the table, still in awe of how COOL magic was, waiting for someone to come join her.
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