Sailing away with Jude! <3 Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Let the fun begin then!
Jude settled himself beside his sister and muttered the incantation. He was delighted to see tha together they got the raft easily levitated. It wasn't difficult for him to focus and it helped that he knew if he slipped up, Keigh had his back.
Anyway. They seemed to be sailing smoothly, the ball pit being left in the dust bit by bit. Jude didn’t let this distract him, however. He glanced at Keigh to see how she was faring, but he was unworried: they usually were successful when they teamed up.
They were close to the end of their sailing quest though. They had this! They were ready!
Now was when they really needed to focus. When she really needed to focus. Though she knew if she slipped up for a second or two, Jude would hold the slack until she regained her concentration once more but she didn't want to have to do that to him. They were a team and that meant they each needed to pull their weight here.
Keighley kept her attention on not only keeping their 'raft' levitated but on also keeping it steady and going on a semi straight path at the very least. As much as she watched to look around and see how the other teams were doing... she didn't.
The end of the 'lava' pit was coming into sight. They were almost there...
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