Thread: Ecological: Pets 'n' Plants Café
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Old 03-25-2023, 08:03 PM   #36 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Several trips from the café to the greenhouses and back again had been made today. With Sookie not currently needing him for personal assistant matters, he busied himself with his hybrid plant assignment for university. Needless to say, the task needed a lot of mental focus and careful movement, and the only thing that was helping maintain such attention to detail was one espresso after another.

Just how many espressos had he consumed already? The assistant had lost count. But, whatever number of cups he was on, another was going to be added to that steadily increasing total.

After entering the room, instantly greeted by some of the crups that were quite used to and had taken a liking to him, he slowly meandered over to the espresso machine. When he realized that he was not alone in the café, Jordan did a double take. It wasn't every day that the department head of Games and Sports was up on level four.

"Hello, Ms. Gerst," he addressed the woman while fiddling with the machine. "Taking a break from level seven?"

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