Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium Keigh wasn't going to be the one to do any reminding here. She knew what he had gone through, what he was still dealing with each and every single day. There wasn't any way she would willing bring forth any pain unto him. So Evan was generally not mentioned until it was by Jude himself. "I love you too." Came the soft whispered reply of one Keighley Anders as her own head gently leaned to the side to remain resting against his.
Light blue eyes never left his face as she watched him take slow breaths and let them out again. She knew exactly what he was doing and during this time, nothing more was said. When he nodded his head and there was an attempt.. a pathetic one but she will count it, to bite her hand, she took her hand from his mouth. "Better?" she asked softly, giving him the tiniest of smiles. Whether he was or wasn't didn't matter, either way she would be right here at his side.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Bread! |