Vera and Professor Khanna Which came first, the phoenix or the flame? "I like that idea! Less material is better. We can make the planks extra strong, and make ourselves extra light." He hesitated. "I don't know the magic for that." Nevertheless, he used Temran Madera to turn a few flattened boxes into wood pieces. He stuck them together and reinforced them with a few thinner wood planks and nails(Temran Madera and Taque) until he had a working platform. Now was the part where he asked for help from his teammates. "I think my platform works. Will you help me be lighter and move across?"
He may have been doing his best forlorn child impression. He was pretty good at it, because he'd been in that position before and knew that he had to be subtle with it. They wouldn't refuse to help someone that truly needed it, would they? |