Originally Posted by
oh i use postimg and haven't had an issue. I just meant that with the loss in photobucket, it took down many of my creations with it
We can post oldies created by others too, right ?? Some of them I'm not sure I know/remember who made them... but some i do
i'm also NOT okay looking through old graphics of characters that have died. *sighs* Ahhhh gotcha. Yeah, unfortunately
Yes for sure! If you can remember who made it please credit them, if you can't remember who made it, just make sure you put a little disclaimer when you talk about them that you didn't make them and can't remember who did. You never know, maybe the person will see it and comment in the evaluation station or pm/vm you!
yeah that is going to be rough
but at the same time worth it so people can see them again and remember good times with those characters <3