Flails! <3 Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
When Keighley eventually told him those words, it would only be then that he truly would understand how his being patient helped her. True, he already knew things could be rocky with Olivia because of his presence but he did his best to not be a burden on the girls’ relationship. What he did enjoy though, was getting to know all about Keigh’s way of life and all the things she enjoyed. Why did he have a feeling that before long he too would be loving each thing that she did?
Was he cute? Keighley was the cute one! Yes, she was! “People are strange. I get that. But those?” Char waved a hand in general at the aisle. “Jag förstår inte det där.” {I do not get that.} The sixth year allowed himself to be led to a completely different aisle, casting one last glance over his shoulder at the Cockroach Cluster. Disgusting! “What’s in this one?” He was rather keen to know but the fact remained that his trust in Keighley led him to believe that he would indeed like the sweets housed in the aisle he was about to explore. If he ever thought himself to be a burden to Liv's and hers relationship, well she would just have to shake it out of him! No, really. They would have to sit down and really have a deep conversation about that. Whatever she was going through with Olivia had nothing at all to do with him. Okay, technically it did but he himself did nothing wrong!
Yes, he was! Extremely so! Keighley giggled, shrugging her shoulders. "I don't understand it either." Some people just had very strange tastes, she however was not one of them. "It's safe, I promise. I don't know if you'll want to put any of it on hot cocoa but most of it is still really yummy." The aisle in question held more of the smaller candies like lemon sherbets, ice mice and of course sugar quills.
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