SPOILER!!: humanfolk
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Mercer's deep concentration (and chilly toes) was interrupted by someone else splashing into the shallows, and he glanced up with a little puzzled look on his face. He barely understood why he did things sometimes, let alone why other people would join him. And yet, here he was, starting a party in the lake.
"I was... well. What are you doing, actually? Because the water is actually much colder than I thought it would be and I'm just wondering if you'd miss your toes? Also I think a fish keeps biting my big toe. So." Mercer crouched briefly and came up with a small silver fish that he immediately released. "It's not his fault, I guess. Toes look like food, don't they?"
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Finn shrugged. "I saw you, and thought...no...just...now I'm here," he said, shrugging again. He really...hadn't thought through a cold weather foray into the water. It just seemed like the thing to do, given that this kid had been here first. "I-" he broke off mid-thought as the other boy caught a fish with, with his bare hands. "How did you do that??" he asked, jaw dropping. Anything else the boy had said had gone in one ear and out the other, his brain was too busy with processing what he was seeing to process any more words.
"Is this ... extreme fishing?" Catching fish by hand in near-freezing water? Seemed like extreme fishing to this Gryffindor.
Some species of owl enjoyed a fish upon occasion, but Herjenmie was not of said disposition.
Swooping and hooting across the grounds with quite the sizeable parcel clutched between its talons and a letter tied to it with its edges flapping in the wind, the very impressive and very important looking eagle owl spotted its intended recipient and gave one final plunge towards the ground. It was a miscalculation, it had been some time since Herjenmie had been asked to deliver a larger parcel, and the eagle owl was forced to drop the parcel at the last second. The parcel went SPLAT into the mug, lodging itself at least 8 centimeters into the moist surface. The owl took a mild tumble, splattering both boys in a gentle coat of mud and lake sludge, before landing on its talons a yard or two away. Herjenmie recovered quickly and bounced back towards the pair, hooting eagerly towards the young Ravenclaw boy who would now have to dislodge the parcel from the mud.
Another perfect delivery indeed. Treat?