~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. SPOILER!!: Sunshine on a cloudy day! <3 Quote:
Originally Posted by Kolyander Did he not know?! Well, Keigh was going to have to make sure that he knew this because if it weren't for him, she surely wouldn't be able to manage things the way that she did. Charlie's level of patience and understanding was so high it made her want to cry sometimes. He truly was someone very special.
Keighley just couldn't help it! Showing Charlie where she was from was so much fun. Her simple childishness worked well in getting all excited over things she had seen and done a million times before. Honestly though, this was really how she was. No faking involved.
Aaww, he was so cute! "People are strange? Or they like gross things." The blonde grinned brightly up at him. "I know, I am!" Now it was her turn to giggle and take his hand gently stirring him away from all these candies and down a much more pleasant one. "This aisle should be much more to your liking."
When Keighley eventually told him those words, it would only be then that he truly would understand how his being patient helped her. True, he already knew things could be rocky with Olivia because of his presence but he did his best to not be a burden on the girls’ relationship. What he did enjoy though, was getting to know all about Keigh’s way of life and all the things she enjoyed. Why did he have a feeling that before long he too would be loving each thing that she did?
Was he cute? Keighley was the cute one! Yes, she was! “People are strange. I get that. But those?” Char waved a hand in general at the aisle. “Jag förstår inte det där.” {I do not get that.} The sixth year allowed himself to be led to a completely different aisle, casting one last glance over his shoulder at the Cockroach Cluster. Disgusting! “What’s in this one?” He was rather keen to know but the fact remained that his trust in Keighley led him to believe that he would indeed like the sweets housed in the aisle he was about to explore. |