Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede! Oops! Bella blushed as she answered Prof Khanna's question. "Of course I will professor you don't need to worry." What else could she say? She didn't categorize herself as a morning person or night owl it was just that she hadn't had the best of night sleeps and it showed in her yawns and sleepy eyes.
Stretching Bella focused on her dummy partner and took a better grip on her wand as she listened to the instructions for the activity. They were to duel the dummy in order to progress to the next level. Got it! It seemed straightforward enough. As her dummy sprang to life in front of her that she had dubbed Rose in her head she decided to attack first and casted with a flick of her wand at her dummy "Flipendo!"
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