Thread: Hogsmeade: Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop
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Old 02-28-2023, 03:53 PM   #23 (permalink)
Nordic Witch

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Rose Snakebark
Fourth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
JT Forsfelle
Second Year

Ministry Department Head:
Violet Fawley
Ecological Protection
Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede!

Originally Posted by Charely Potter View Post

Kion figured he would have to just leave his hair as is, since the more he tried to smooth it, the more it decided to not cooperate. Giving his head a little shake, he turned to see Maria walk over, "Wow," His eyes were now glued to her outfit to her cute ribbon on her hair. His eyes didn't focus too much on the detail when he had the whole package in front, "Thanks, you look amazing Maria!" He felt so lucky to be with her now.

Realizing he was already sitting, "Oh, here," Practically hopping out of his seat to pull out the other chair for her, not that she couldn't pull out her own chair, he didn't see her as meek, but it felt nice to help her out, "I-I ordered us some cream teas and cheesecake, if that's alright? We can ask for something else when they bring it over." Why was he so nervous? He had asked his parents for some advice and so far the "being yourself" was the hardest thing to keep up when thinking up on how make her feel special.

Waiting until she had sat down before he took his own seat again, "So.. this is actually my first time in this shop," Well, not too surprising since they both were now allowed to visit Hogsmeade. "I'm happy you said yes to being here with me," Kion could feel his face heating up, maybe it was too soon to talk about feelings, "How'd you do on that Potions essay? I barely scraped through it when we have a whole weekend to enjoy." He hated when Professors gave them work for the weekend.

'Wow' was a compliment right? Maria took it as one trying not to blush too much as Kion complimented her whole attire. "Thanks!" she murmured back as he got up to pull out her chair for her and everything like a gentleman. Beaming, she reassured him as she sat down feeling like a lady. "Cream tea and cheesecake sounds delicious." They didn’t need to change the order, that’d be weird when Kion had already asked for it, and it soon would be delivered to their table. She felt nervous and she didn’t know why, they met each other most days, but this was special, and one on one and that caused her to feel extra nervous.

Looking around at the frilly decorations Maria nodded when her eyes met Kion’s "It's my first time too. It's said that this is a couples shop." Or that was what she had heard in the halls at least queue blushing. "I'm happy you asked me to come," Maria said quietly, hoping that nobody was eavesdropping on them. "I really like you Kion." There she had said it out loud like Ve had encouraged her to do.

"Erm, I got an E on my potions essay so I did okay." Maria remembered faintly. "I wish the professors could stop giving us homework over the weekends when we just want to take it easy and have fun." She understood that they did it for the upcoming exams, but still.
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