Constant Vigilance! O_O AWAKE! Quote:
Originally Posted by renmarie Athena hadn't even noticed anyone else was in the shop, but she was being rather obtuse. "Oh, salut, sorry for the dramatics earlier." She blushed. Of course she had made some kind of fool of herself. "My hair has just been dreadful since I moved back to London."
She noticed the woman squinting at the potions. Athena should probably become more familiar with them now that she's to be working here herself. Everyone seems to package them differently though. "Can I help you find what you're looking for?" She looked like she was having trouble seeing. "Nothing to apologize for," Margaret said with a smile and a quick glance at the older woman. "You came to the right place for hair potions," she added. She'd purchased many a hair potion here over the last several summers. There was a reason her hair was--in her own opinion and many others'--so silky and manageable, despite its length. And that reason was about 80% potions and 20% keeping it in a braid or two during Quidditch practices and matches.
Focusing again on the eye-related potions, Margaret finally just picked one up to read the label better. Dry Eyes. No...that wasn't her issue.
At the woman's offer of help, Margaret raised her eyebrows and gave her another glance. Not that she really needed help, but this woman seemed particularly thoughtful. "That's very kind of you to offer," she said, trying to find a polite way to decline the help. She set the Dry Eyes potion down and picked up a bottle from next to it. A quick glance at the label, and she knew that was the one she'd been looking for. "This is it, actually," she said, giving her most charming smile. "Perfect I can finally be rid of my glasses," she added, by way of explanation. Not that she wore her glasses often, but that woman didn't know that. |