Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein
As if there was ever a world in which Vera Brinley Thanatos was going to miss out on a school wide game. Floor is lava also just HAPPENED to be one of her favorites. She was also a very competitive tiny soul so already she had a strong desire to win and make it from start to finish. At least.... until she saw their 'lava' floor, which was essentially a ball pit. Which was just truly MEAN of Professor Carton to tease them like this. She wanted to not fall in lava, but also a little bit wanted to fall into lava, y'know? Standing on her tippy toes to better peer at the course, she smiled somewhere in the direction of Carton. "Hi Professor! After we play floor is lava, can we also just jump into the ball pit?" It didn't hurt to ask right?
Green eyes then surveyed the rest of the group which compiled... Professor's. And two seventh years, one from her own house - Adonis was it? - and the other one she didn't know well but seemed to be in Vasco's. And she was pretty sure a 6th year was approaching too. Where were HER people? Mainly third years. Hopefully one of her dormmates or Vasco or Maria showed up. But in the mean time? She was also pretty happy to bother Professor Khanna - which was exactly what she set out to do as she moved alongside them. "Hello, Professor! Would you like to strategize together on how to win?" DADA Professor? She liked her odds on that if they did.
Professor Gert and the other students also got head nods of hello. Despite the fact she was nearer to adulthood than her parents ever liked to remember, Mouse was not opposed to indulging her inner child and playing a game here or there when it was offered. And truthfully, floor is lava sounded like the perfect physical activity to exert some of her energy before it was back to the books to do some much needed studying. The classes were very similar between here and Beauxbatons, and yet she was finding gaps in her knowledge versus those of Hogwartians. Particularly in History of Magic which was where she often found her nose buried these days.
Yes, this would be the perfect distraction from all of that.
Coming up on the group, she noted the amount of Professors - all who got smiles and nods in their directions - and Raj, another seventh year Apollo (she believed) and a younger student. Feeling a little self conscious about how she probably gravitated towards him too much, she still found herself heading towards Raj and giving him a smile right as she heard his response to Professor Gert. "Only so long until you're out in the adult world. Enjoy the kid parts now while you can." She grinned at him, before looking over towards Professor Gert and extending the same smile. "Are you going to participate, Professor?" They could always do teams - Profs vs students, just as the Gryffindor said. She smiled over at him as well and gave a nod in hello.
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
Last edited by Chelliephone; 02-23-2023 at 04:25 AM.