Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein She wasn't surprised Jude hadn't seen him that way, despite the fact the Hufflepuff clearly was. His chosen profession made it really hard to jump to how genuine her cousin was. How could someone who literally chose to become someone else in their work, also end up being so sincere? He was an oxymoron, her cousin. But that's what was one of the things that she loved about him. Though she was very much biased. Davet was the closest thing she'd had to a sibling until Rosie she supposed. At the question she just grinned at him, deciding to focus on the joking part of his question. "I'd tell you, but then I'd have to poison your apple." She giggled, before getting a little more serious and giving a nod. "I know I am. It's not about that." It was hard for her to explain, but it had nothing to do with distrust of anyone else. The only person that she knew was going to judge her, was herself. "Oh you should have HEARD the scolding we got. I didn't know my sweet, quiet aunt could get so loud." It would have been nice if she'd already been magic and could have just... fixed it. Maybe it would be a fun prank to play now on her family - once they all knew anyways. "Regret? Never heard of her." She teased, taking another sip of her hot cocoa and giving a grateful sigh. It was delicious - chocolate always hit the spot, especially on a cold night.
As for her own wish? She wasn't quite sure if there was anything she truly wanted right now. She was not Charlotte Labeuf and had no need of asking for a Prince - even if she wasn't opposed to the idea of dating. Though perhaps she should wish for the ability to be more open on her own feelings? She was never going to get anywhere with anyone if she didn't. But... that could be a problem for another time. There wasn't any rush. As for telescopes? "Absolutely! I'd love to get a closer look." The view with the naked eye was beautiful, but she was a girl that liked detail.
Hearing Raj, her head turned a bit and she smiled in greeting as he joined her and Jude, a small laugh at his comment. "That is something you'd be familiar with, isn't it?" But she liked the comparison too. Putting additional imagery to a sight was poetic in it's own way. "We were just talking about trying to wish on them. You have any wishes Atreyu-Rehman?"
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start |