Text Cut: Maisey!
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Maisey stopped walking when she caught up to Nora. She stopped next to her friend. Though if she knew they were towing the line of danger she would have pulled her away. But being the muggle born she was with no family or even older students as friends she didn’t have a clue of the dangers of said unknown tree in front of them. She really needed to make friends with an older student at some point. Even a second year work.
Beaming at her Gryffindor friend, ”This place is wild. Just when I think I’ve finally seen everything, something new seems to show up.” Weird right? Though there were a few times she had gotten right next to the forbidden forest and she had turned and headed back in a different direction. ”Should we move closer to the tree and check it out?” She was bouncing on the balls of her feet with excitement. Her signature mischievous grin on her face as she linked arms with Nora.
Nora paused in her steps and turned toward Maisey, a look of half-shock and half-wonder on her face.
"Wait a minute. Are you...muggleborn?" she asked. She still hadn't gotten used to that term. She hoped it hadn't come out as an insult, because she certainly hadn't meant it that way.
"I just ask, because I am, too, and I haven't met many muggleborns at all." Nora found herself unintentionally hoping that Maisey would say yes. No matter how many friends she seemed to make, she still had this sense of loneliness in the magical world. She still hadn't really connected to anyone that filled a void she'd left behind in the muggle world.
She nodded in reply to what Maisey was saying.
"That's exactly the way I've been feeling for months know!" she said, an excitement showing up in her voice. There was somebody who understood her---
really understood her!
"I knew nothing about the magical world until I got the Hogwarts letter. I thought it was some kind of joke at first." She gave a shrug in response to Maisey's offer to venture a little further into the tree.
"Sure. Why not?" she asked. Maybe they could sit against the trunk of the tree and share what they'd learned about magic so far... Without a second thought, Nora took a few steps forward, offically putting her right in the tree's range.