Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede! Bella made her way down the temporary greenhouse clad in an old hoodie, old jeans with holes, and some old sneakers. She also had a pair of dragonhide gloves with her as well as writing materials in her backpack. Bella eyed all the fragrant vibrant flowers as came closer to the rest of the group. She sent a smile over in greeting to Professor De Vries. "Good day Professor, so many pretty flowers!" Heading over towards Jude she shot smile to the others already present "Hi Mouse, Hi Maxine, Hi Rajesh, Hi Maisey and Hi Brandon!"
Stomping over to sit down in an empty folding chair next to her friend Bella greeted with a beam. "Hi Jude," lowering her voice so hopefully Professor De Vries didn't hear her she asked in a whisper "Should i feel bad for thinking the plants we helped with in the fall were mandrakes, and not something as harmless as tulips."
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