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Old 02-16-2023, 12:33 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Join Date: Feb 2023
Location: home, sick. Sry!
Posts: 106

Charlie took a slow, deep breath. Cursing herself a bit for getting angry at the woman. She did seem apologetic...and nervous. Was that because of her? Oh, Merlin. "I'll be fine. What's a bump and a headache compared to - well, it still sucks, but I'm not dead so..." Blimey she was awful at this. "Sorry, I haven't been having the best day. I just got back to England and this head cold has been doing me in. I've barely eaten and I'm so cold. Anyway, that's not your problem. Besides it's not like you did it on purpose...right?" She eyed the woman a little warily.

Readjusting her bag she looked for an exit just in case. You never know with some people, but this woman seemed nice, if not a bit clumsy.
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