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Old 02-15-2023, 12:18 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Default Charlie is in a *mood*

SPOILER!!: Ali ^_^
Originally Posted by Chelliephone View Post
It had been a long time since Eulalia Hwang had come to Diagon Alley, for any reason really, but especially for any type of supply shopping. In fact, the last time she had been there she'd probably still been a Kwon and only dating her sweet husband - where as now they had been married for nearly 4 years and with a beautiful little boy - whom was spending the day on Appa's tour bus with him while she had come here. As a new Eomma, it occurred to her that she should probably keep her supplies better stocked with coughing potions, essence of dittany, all of those little first aid concotions.

And she also had an idea for a new art piece brewing in that head of hers. Which was only beginning to take further shape as she entered the apothecary and perused the shelves - looking in particular for ingredients with very reach hues of color that she could use to potentially dye some paper. She had just reached out to grab something, when it slipped through her fingers and crashed onto the ground. She jumped back with a yelp and shouted a small "Watch out!" for anyone else that might have been in the vicinity. Thankfully the ingredient itself was not toxic or harmful, but glass still could be.

Charlie was exhausted. She could feel her feet dragging on the floor as she made her way inside her final stop of the day. Her eyes were heavy and her bag digging into her shoulder where it rested - she just wanted to get home. Her mind so preoccupied that she barely had time to register what was happening as she heard, "Watch out!" and felt something hard hit her head.

Charlie stumbled back a couple steps as she balanced herself from the dizzying hit and could already feel the headache coming on. "What do you think you're playing at?" she grumbled to whoever purposefully hit her in the head. Of course something had to happen before she could get home and sleep. This cold would be the death of her and she needed some Coughing Potion, and maybe Dreamless Sleep...or Draught of Living Death. Now there's an idea.
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