Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein "Kanga is such a cute name! It makes me think of Winnie the Pooh!" The mother kangaroo had always been one of her favorites. Well, her and Eeyore anyways. The poor, sweet Donkey always down on his luck. "Have you and your younger sister always been close? And do you get along well with your older two too?" She'd heard a lot about Reagan but Jude and Keighley was the Anders relationship she'd been witness too the most. She chuckled and nodded, "Yes, but like... not for evil reasons and more like just... agoraphobic reasons."
She nodded her head, entirely in agreement with his statement. Because yes - she 100% did not want to have to kiss an amphibian. "That is one fairy tale I would be very happy to never have to live out." His confidence in her was sweet and she smiled gratefully. "I think he's probably missed just the right amount." Or could maybe miss more - she wasn't sure she was her best self yet. "Maybe you should ask some of your friends around school? I mean... I know given history people might not be super open to talking about their family but.. maybe someone that knows you well would entirely understand where you're coming from and be open to opening up about it?" She smiled and gave a small nod. "Thank you. I figure.. maybe it'll lessen the blow if he hears about me from me." She didn't relish having lied by omission for so many years, but what was she to do otherwise?
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start |