Constant Vigilance! O_O AWAKE! While she'd traded her glasses for contacts years ago, her parents had refused to pay for anything magical to correct her vision. Mostly due to not understanding quite how it worked, in her own opinion. Today was the day, though. She'd gotten the first few months' of her Quidditch pay, and gee golly gosh was Margaret Turov ready to be done with the silly little twice-a-day ritual of being able to see properly. Plus, the side benefit of not having to worry about her contacts just plain falling out of her eyes during a Quidditch match. There was no chance of her preventing goals if she couldn't see the Quaffle coming!
Her hair neatly tucked into a pair of braids and wearing glasses, the Wimbourne Wasps' keeper made her way to Madam Primpernelle's. They had some sort of vision-correcting potion, right? She was fairly certain she'd seen it before. She adjusted her glasses as she walked in the door, and kept her head bent slightly. She didn't want to be recognized by any Quidditch fans today. |