Join Date: Oct 2006 Location: in my head [GMT-6]
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Amelia Adara Graduated Hogwarts RPG Name: Emma Montmorency (#301199) Hufflepuff Fifth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Kartik Ishaan Joshi (#3112da) Ravenclaw Sixth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Kara Walsh (#aa1506) Gryffindor First Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Tiffany Rose Slytherin Third Year
x12 x8
| YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers SPOILER!!: Student Replies Quote:
Originally Posted by Chelliephone She smiled widely at the younger student, a Hufflepuff in her new sister's year if she recalled correctly, moving over a touch to make more space for him as he came her direction. "Bonjour!" She greeted, glancing down at her attire and giving a small chuckle. "I'm incredibly messy. The white was on purpose. Who said I couldn't multitask and potentially make two pieces at once?" She leaned over a bit to hear his question asked in a quieter tone, hiding a giggle behind her hand as she whispered back. "I haven't the faintest idea. But I like art so I'm looking forward to seeing what it means."
Greetings were offered to all the others who then followed into the room, a smile towards the seventh year Slytherin, Bella she believed which was only then confirmed when Jude came in and confirmed the name. He got a smile as well, and then came Desiree who Mouse immediately clocked her outfit. Desiree was someone she could sense was very much a kindred spirit and she made a point of noticing when she came in the room, because her outfits usually also had tinges of Disney inspo and she loved to see it. "Hello, Rapunzel!" She greeted with a wide smile, pointing at her own head to indicate Desiree's beret. "I love the whole look, but your hat is my favorite!" Was there anything more joyful than the deep purple and golden sun combo from Tangled? Mitsuki got a smile at her entrance as well.
Hearing Professor Sayse's favorite medium was also cloth came as a surprise, which probably registered on her face, but she quickly changed it to her usual smile. "Me too!" Although painting might not be her second favorite, as she usually preferred pencil to paper. But... still. Anyways, they were started! And she wondered if perhaps they would be doodling and painting different interpretations of the Latin base words given the discussion but perhaps it was too soon to draw conclusions. So instead, she focused on the current task at hand. "There's alarte ascendere. Alarte in latin is 'winged' and ascendere is 'to ascend'." Perhaps they needed to start a knitting club at Hogwarts. She'd have at least one member, from the sounds of it. Even though she was the professor, that was something she really didn't know in regards to what it took to start a club? "Ah yes... excellent." She added that to the board. Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 “Hi back at you, Desiree!” Jude grinned in the direction of his Housemate. He didn’t have much to say at the moment because his mind was on other things, and wasn’t sure how this would translate to his participation in today’s meeting here. He did catch Mouse’s smile and sent one back her way. With the professor getting things started, Jude attempted to put as much attention on her as possible.
Oh! Interesting!
The Hufflepuff straightened up, thinking back to what he knew about this sort of thing. “There’s Carpe Retractum. Carpe means ‘seize’ while Retractum means ‘withdraw’."That was literally seizing the object then moving it away from where it rested. "Yes this is one example of a straight forward charm that quite literally translates." Marilyn nodded at Jude, as she added that one to the board as well. Quote:
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline Raj was really hoping that because the creative charms thingy wasn’t a class per say, that he wasn’t going to get in trouble. He was really going to have to make sure to set timers when he was deep into studying from now on else it could be bad next time. The seventh year twisted to slip through the cracked open door as quietly as he could manage to see that thankfully it seemed like they had just gotten into things so he hadn’t missed much. Listening to what both Mouse and Jude had said as he discretely shifted closer to stand near the former, he was figuring they were talking about spells and their Latin.
Having been studying defense before the rush to get here, Rajesh picked the first one that came to mind. “There’s Expelliarmus...from the Latin expello for banish and armus for weapon.” A basic spell that did or was meant to do exactly what the Latin said, to banish your opponent’s weapon/wand from their person. This was an example of one instance that yes Raj was correct. He wouldn't be getting into trouble about slipping in late since it wasn't really a true lesson. Also the fact that he was super respectful when he slipped in quietly was definitely noted and perhaps credited to the fact that he was a seventh year. "Excellent, yes," Marilyn said, adding Expelliarmus to the board as well. Quote:
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch "Hi Desiree!" Bella waved back in greeting to the younger badger before focusing on Jude that had flopped down on the seat beside her. "Hi Judes!" she beamed back in greeting to her friend itching to elbow him in the side playfully but decided not to. When Jude revealed that he could only draw blobs Bella said understandinly "It's all right Jude, I'm not an expert drawer/painter either. We can help each other out with whatever activity Prof Sayse has planned for us if you want?"
While she waited for an answer the activity/lesson got underway. Raising her hand she offered up a latin spell she knew of and its meaning to be added to the list. "There is Aqua Eructo. Aqua is latin for water and Eructo is latin for erupt." "Another straight forward charm. Yes Aqua Erecto will literally cause water to erupt from the wand." Marilyn nodded at Bella. Also she wanted to assure her that no expert artists required here. It was all about just having fun and enjoying the moment. Quote:
Originally Posted by astrocat Brandon thought that Mouse reminded him of his sister, with her idea of getting her clothes 'artistic'. He supposed it would look quite pretty, although he didn't really get why anyone would ruin a perfectly good white outfit. But artists were just like that sometimes, and he liked artists.
He smiled at the question about Latin spell roots- actually, he didn't smile at all, or make any face. He had a complicated relationship with Latin lessons. But he at least felt like he was prepared to answer, which made him smile on the inside a little. He liked being prepared. "Protego Maxima is straightforward. 'Protego' is Latin for I protect and then 'Maxima' is the greatest of something. So you're protecting as much as possible." He knew that spell had been used on Hogwarts during the second wizarding war. He thought about the wars, and it made him sad. He didn't show it though, he was just quiet. "Maxima is maximum strength, so yes the greatest of something. Offers maximum protection." Marilyn clarified upon Brandon's answer, adding that to the board as well. Quote:
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy Desiree positively beamed when Professor Sayse complimented her beret. “Thank you, Professor!” she replied with a smile and a slight tip of her hat. Cue another smile and hat tip for Mouse. Somehow she had a feeling the older girl would get the meaning behind her outfit. “Thanks!” she replied. “I made it myself. If you like, I can teach you sometime.” Sometime later, of course! This was Professor Sayse’s activity, and it would be rude to step on her toes!
She listened intently as the professor started speaking, though she didn’t understand how Latin fit in to art. Hmm, not where she thought this was going, but still interesting! She thought for a minute, trying to come up with a Latin-based spell that hadn’t been said yet. How about the sunlight charm, Lumos Solem? That was a fun spell! “There’s Lumos Solem,” she said. “It comes from the Latin words lumen, which means “light”, and solis, which means “of the sun”.” Marilyn beamed back at Desiree when she thanked her for the compliment. But moving on to the spell suggested, she nodded, "Yes excellent. Which Lumos is another charm that has multiple incantations associated with it that you can add various words to change or redirect the meaning." It was probably one of the easier charms to try and create something 'new' with, by adding a different Latin word to the ending. Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Standing silently behind Brandon Fox, Mitsuki folded her hands one over the other across her stomach and settled in to simply listen though it did not mean she was not also thinking. Namely she was searching her knowledge for an example that correlated with the apparent theme of today's activity[, which did not take too long to settle on a bit of Latin that was applicable to several charms in her personal artistic arsenal. So it was that, after a bit of listening, Mitsuki raised her hand to offer up further suggestion.
"There are numerous charms that have incantations that are derived from the Latin word colōrem. Such spells include Colorus Fulgeo, Colorus Revolvo, and Colovaria. Colorus Fulgeo creates a flashing effect between colors as is indicated by the Latin for to flash or to blaze. Revolvo, the Latin for to revolve or unroll, creates a spell that has colors to shift between colors in a less dramatic fashion. Colovaria is the combination of colōrem and variāre, Latin words for color and vary respectively, and it a spell to modify the color of an object without any additional color shifting like the other two charms I mentioned."
Perhaps the most Mitsuki had ever spoken in class but it was in the sweet spot of her interests. Art was a means of self expression, after all. It wasn't all to surprising that Mitsuki brought up several charms associated with Colorus. "Excellent and very thorough descriptions of three variations on the Colorus charm" Marilyn praised the young Ravenclaw. Once it seemed as if everyone had the chance to speak up if they wanted, Marilyn figured it was time to move on with the activity. "Excellent. Seems as if you all have a good grasp of some of the Latin roots associated with Charms. So there's two main options for tonight's activity, depending on what you feel best suits your strengths. You may do both if you wish." "So first, take one of the charms or latin words listed, or if you want to use a latin word NOT listed, that's okay too... I've just provided some of the more common words. But taking one or more of these words and translate into artwork. Whatever you feel represents the word 'carpe', for example. There's no wrong answer. It's just your artistic interpretation of the word or charm. Be as abstract or detailed as you like." "The second option is to use the list of latin roots provided and brainstorm other ideas for charms. Such as ...Would Lumos Glacio work to freeze light? What combinations can you create and why they may or may not be effective?" Charms and their Latin Roots
~ Mobilicorpus: Mobil = movement. Corpus = body
~ Alarte ascendere. Alarte = winged. ascendere = to ascend
~ Carpe Retractum. Carpe = seize. Retractum = withdraw
~ Expelliarmus. expello = banish . armus = weapon
~ Aqua Eructo. Aqua = water. Eructo = erupt.
~ Protego Maxima. Protego = protect. Maxima = maximum strength
~ Lumos Solem. Lumen = light. Solis = of the sun
~ Many spells derived from Colōrem (e.g. Colorus Fulgeo, Colorus Revolvo, and Colovaria) Fulgeo = flashing or blazing. Revolvo = Revolve or unroll, will create a spell that shifts between colours. Colorvaria combines colōrem and variāre, to modify the colour of an object without any additional colour shifting
Various Latin words
~ Mobil = motion/movement
~ Levio = Levitate
~ Lacero = cut
~ Ligo = bind
~ Glacio = freeze
~ Cresco = Grow
~ Resilio = Shrink
~ Lignum = wood
~ Vitrum = glass
~ Bibius = paper/parchment
~ Liquidum = liquid
~ Duo = Double Strength
~ Trio = Triple Strength
~ Maxima = maximum strength
~ Sempra = forever
~ Totalum = total ooc: Note for option one, you can use a graphics program... or even hand-draw something and upload it that way. Or if you don't want to / can't draw, but your character draws, feel free to be descriptive with what your character draws. No actual images are required!! Questions allowed. Most importantly have fun, go crazy!! <3 You're also not limited to the words/charms provided on the list
__________________ ![](https://sig.grumpybumpers.com/host/phoenixrising.gif) ___________________You should take your little finger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem ✯ |