Which came first, the phoenix or the flame? Brandon wasn't used to cold weather yet, and he had 4 layers on: extra warm undershirt, shirt, sweater, and proper jacket. He also had gloves, a hat, a scarf, thick pants, and super warm socks. It was cold to him. Cold and bright. Entering the dome, which was obviously bigger than the others, he immediately grabbed a warm cocoa. Then he sat on one of the pillows with a blanket, not taking up too much physical or social space. "Hi," he said to everybody.
...maybe the scarf, gloves, and hat were overkill. at least in here, where it was warmer than outside. He took them off, and noticed everything in the dome. Jude. Mouse. Human Professor Gert(her default). Telescopes. Coziness.
He found himself looking up at the sky. |