~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. Jude spotted Mouse as she approached but figured he’d be his usual polite self while she greeted the professor. There was this thing where every time he saw her, he automatically thought of Davet. This evening was no different and when she bumped his shoulder, he grinned before bumping her right back. “Ms. Minnie Mouse! Care to hang out with me this evening?” Unless, of course, Mouse had plans. In any case, he was pretty sure that Keigh would be hanging out with Olivia and Charlie.
Professor Gert surely knew how to perk up his interest even further. Jude thought that it would be unfair to ask for more hints about what treat they were in for so he just nodded enthusiastically. “Can’t wait, Professor! I'm just going to go grab some hot cocoa.” With extra marshmallows. This was yet another one of Jude’s weaknesses. |