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Old 02-08-2023, 10:02 PM
Holmesian Feline Holmesian Feline is online now
Default Night Under The Stars - The Domes

A trail of blue bell flames spelled to be clear of remnants of the latest snowfall provided a clear but not too brightly lit path to where the domes normally reside out on the grounds. You never want to distract from the clear night sky that is a welcome blessing for an evening such as this. One such dome has been enlarged to fit many more people than usual and set aside for Professor Gert’s plans for the evening. Blankets and cushions are available to perch on and a table off to the side offers warm beverages enticing after a day of the usual December chill just outside the glass.

Four telescopes have been set in the four cardinal directions on the outskirts of the dome to allow for closer viewing of whatever is on the agenda. You’ll just have to wait and see what that is as everyone gathers and the night sky darkens for better viewing. Professor Gert is there in her human form, standing near the telescope nearest the dome door as if checking last minute touches. The woman cloaked in scarlet robes befitting her former house and perhaps reminding you of the holiday not to far away.

ooc: Hello all and welcome to an Astronomy activity