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Old 02-08-2023, 03:00 AM   #39 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dhruv Vihaan Khanna

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aryan Zahid Atreyu-Rehman
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Idris Ace Grunt
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dynah Aavni Atreyu-Rehman
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Krittika Saanvi Joshi
Sixth Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

SPOILER!!: Maisey! <3
Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry View Post
Maisey was busy writing down what she thought was in the tank. Personally she really wanted it to be a mermaid. That’s what she wrote down. Against all hope she hoped for mermaids. When she learn that it was kappas she was a bit disappointed. But she made notes about everything she knew about kappas, which was nothing. So she made notes on what the others knew and didn’t add anything. She was distracted watching the kappa bounce around the tank. They really were like scaly monkeys. Did the kappa just shake its fist at them? Well that was rude.

As with just about everything so far this term amazed her. Of all the magical incantations she had learned so far, and all the magical ways of doing things. A cucumber with your name inscribed on it was what you used to protect yourself from it. Definitely interesting to her. Or get it to bow and spill the water out of the top of its head to weaken it.

Watching as the professor demonstrated how to perform the inscription spell. That would come in handy to know for many many other things. When the professor told them to come up and get the cucumbers and a knife. Just in case she had a hard time with the spell. She expected not to. But she had been getting extra of whatever she needed all term. If allowed. JUST IN CASE. She got back to her seat. ” Scribere” She said as she carefully etched out her name on the cucumber.


She took the other cucumber and did the same thing. This time she added her middle as well. For full effect.


Merpeople would certainly be an interesting lesson topic. Dhruv was, of course, constantly planning lessons; therefore it would be safe to assume that at some point, they would cover the Merpeople. Though, if Maisey wanted to be a mermaid as depicted in fairytales, then they’d have to disappoint her: the Wizarding World’s mermaids were vastly different in many ways. They nodded in approval of Maisey’s work. “Excellent, Ms. Wilde.”

SPOILER!!: Bella! <3
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch View Post
Okay, mini activity: They had to etch their full name into a cucumber in order for them to be protected against the kappas attacks. It sounded easy enough. If Bellas grandmother had been there she'd have given Professor K a racket for using the vegetable for something that she deemed unneccessary, and would only damage a perfectly tasty veggie. Smiling to herself at the image of her grandma Bella got up from her seat, and fetched herself a cucumber and a knife listening with half an ear to the questions that was queried around her as she got herself settled back in her seat.

Back at her desk Bella first practiced the incantation in her head a few times, and then pulled out her wand from her holster to practice the corresponding wand movement. Then she turned her full attention to the very green and tastly looking cucumber. She wanted to do this right so she was fully protected against kappa attacks.

Holding her wand over the cucumber she chanted "Scribere!" and began tracing Isabella Eloise Connolly slowly into the cucumbers flesh. When she was done and happy with the gold and red lettered result she raised her hand to ask "Professor Khanna will the protection be equally strong if you just had say half a cucumber to write on instead of a whole one, because you have snacked on half of it?

Would Bella’s grandmother think that having her grandchild practicing something that may protect her life in the future? Dhruv would not have minded having this debate with the woman. They chuckled at the question. “Are you hungry, Ms. Connolly?” Because students were free to take the leftover veggies when they were dismissed. “To answer your question, it does not matter if the offered cucumber is whole or simply a piece. As long as your name is inscribed, that is the most important aspect.”

SPOILER!!: Maxine! <3
Originally Posted by love-for-HP View Post
Well what that meant was she needed to try again. "Well practice makes perfect" She said taking a bite out of the cucumber she already had since it wasn't necessary for the Kappa anymore and grabbed another.

This time really concentrating on her hand writting and steading her wand hand "Scribere" she said, once again writing out her whole name. Maxine Rae Bixby, and this time it was much cleaner ... maybe not as perfect has if she had actually used a quill, but it was clearly her name and not just some scribbles. Feeling much more confindent and ready.

The professor wholeheartedly agreed with those words and that attitude! They stood close by, watching Maxine work, ready to offer further advice if needed. It was unnecessary though for the Gryffindor’s next round of efforts definitely paid off. “Practice really does make perfect. Nicely done, Ms. Bixby.”

SPOILER!!: Sailor
Originally Posted by Kimothy View Post
Yes, sister, we saw that side eye. Sailor did not reciprocate, because he felt entitled to this seat beside her anyway. Besides, she didn't tell him to shove off so he wasn't going anywhere now. Not when he'd settled down his bag and took out all his things.

Instead of answering the professor's questions of kappas, Sailor chose to remain silent. He dove into taking notes instead, nodding quietly to himself if he already knew a fact that another classmate shared. Under the title, 'WATER ALIEN', of the fresh page in his noted, he wrote 'Kappa' for formality. Then wrote down the rest of the information he'd gathered from the class, both the ones he already knew and ones he didn't. The Ravenclaw has also occasionally looked up when he saw the kappa move from his peripheral vision. What a horrific, ugly thing. He liked it.

Sailor was ready to stand from his seat to retrieve his own cucumber, when Haven offered him one. The smaller one, because of course. The third year gave her an affectionate stink eye as he accepted the vegetable. "Spell," he replied plainly. They came here to learn magic, and Sailor would have to have broken either his wand or wand arm before he would decide on using muggle means. They do that too much at home.

Also, Professor, Sailor would have found it funny that they trusted his sister to have good judgment or to even be mindful. The Ravenclaw had the faintest of amused smiles on his face, just because.

"Scribere." The Ravenclaw began to trace his name onto the cucumber. After a while, his name was etched in, even though the penmanship was messy. His penmanship was almost like chicken scratch anyway. SAILOR ZHANG. He looked at his sister's cucumber to see if she was done too.

Well the, Sailor, hopefully you had better judgement and would be able to call your sister out if she filed in that department. One Professor here was rooting for you! Both in the judgement aspect and in successfully using the spell, that is. Eyeing the cucumber, Dhruv deemed he could understand the scrawl, at least some of it. “Not a bad attempt at all. Would you perhaps want to practice a bit more with the spell, Mr. Zhang?”

SPOILER!!: Desiree! <3
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy View Post
Desiree was slightly nervous when a first year (Hope) added on to her answer. Not that she minded anyone piggybacking off her answers. It was just that she was not good at DADA, and she wouldn’t want someone else to be wrong because of her. Fortunately, that didn’t happen, and she couldn’t help but feel a little pleased with herself for being on the right track.

She happened to glance at the kappa right as it started shaking its fist. Yikes! It was kind of scary when it wasn’t making silly faces. She was more than a little relieved to hear that the activity didn’t involve anyone going near it… yet. So it was true that kappas liked cucumbers. She wondered if the kappa would like fancy cucumber sandwiches too, and she had to stifle a giggle as she imagined a group of kappas dressed in fancy clothes at an underwater tea party.

Desiree watched intently as Professor Khanna demonstrated the Scribere spell. That flame-colored writing looked so cool! Did the lettering appear in those colors every time, or did the caster get to pick the color? Wouldn’t it be neat if she could make it write in pink? Never one to turn down an opportunity to learn a new spell, she eagerly retrieved a cucumber.

“Scry-bear,” she practiced the incantation quietly under her breath. “Scry-bear, Scribere, Scribere…” That pronunciation made her giggle! “Scry-bear” sounded like a woodland creature that practiced divination! Or possibly a device used for divination, like a cross between a scrying mirror and a teddy bear. Was that a thing? If it wasn’t, it should be!

Feeling confident with the funny pronunciation, Desiree was ready to try the spell for real. She rolled her cucumber over, inspecting it as she went - had to find its good side, of course! Just because it was a practical spell didn’t mean she couldn’t try to make it look nice too. She set it down, finally finding an angle she liked, and brandished her wand. “Scribere!” she cast, tracing her name in fancy script. Letters instantly appeared on the cucumber:


Desiree examined her work. It didn’t look exactly like her normal handwriting, but she could still clearly read the name. She was going to call that a win for now. Later, who knows? Maybe Professor Khanna would let her have some extra cucumbers so she could keep practicing?

Should Desiree have told Dhruv about the vision her brain conjured, they would have enjoyed it immensely. It would truly would have been something for him to picture as well! They watched the fourth year practice then inscribe her name. “Excellent work!”

SPOILER!!: Mercer! <3
Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
Mercer was so excited by the suggestion that he could name the kappa, or at least suggest a name, that he could barely sit still. Just still enough to accept the cucumber that Mitsuki brought to him and then immediately drop it on the floor. Twice. He was impatient to carve his name into the thing with the knife, no time for learning a new spell.

Mercer. Doyle. Branxton.

Done. Also, he carved himself a bit, so Mercer added a bloody thumbprint as a period at the end of his name. "For a treat. He definitely knows all the same kappas we know, so I want him to bring back a good report." He explained it to Mitsuki, but he knew that she knew. She knew.

"PROFESSOR. I think we should call the kappa Gherkin. On account of he likes cucumbers."

There was such a hearty chuckle when it hit Dhruv that Mercer really loved the idea of naming the Kappa. Enthusiasm of their students were such a joy to witness. What was not a joy, was that blood. "Do you need something staunch the bleeding? Or to visit the Healer?" Surely the cut wasn't bad if Mercer wasn't preoccupied that a name couldn't be suggested. Gherkin! "That's fitting! I'l tell you what. Slip by the classroom tomorrow before you head to lunch. I'll have a surprise waiting for you." Said surprise will entail that bold stenciled sign bearing the Kappa's name.

* * * * * * * * * * *

A quick check of the time told Dhruv it was time to move on. “That was some great spellwork and effort made with the knives. You may finish up etching your names but we have one last bit of discussion to cover before we move onto the main activity. This question requires a little more thinking so creative responses, within reason, are welcome.” A little question to pick one’s brain, if you will. “Let us say you come across a Kappa but you have no cucumber to protect you and in your panic, you’ve forgotten tricking the Kappa into bowing is also efficient. How else would you choose to defend yourself and to make your escape?”

OOC: Hello, hello! Catch up is still allowed though you might want to have those precious brainbabies wrapping things up soon! We’re due to begin the main activity in twenty four hours :3
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