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Old 02-07-2023, 02:21 AM   #32 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dhruv Vihaan Khanna

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aryan Zahid Atreyu-Rehman
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Idris Ace Grunt
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dynah Aavni Atreyu-Rehman
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Krittika Saanvi Joshi
Sixth Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

SPOILER!!: Vera! <3
Originally Posted by Chelliephone View Post
It really was peculiar that a cucumber was enough of a distraction for the creature to keep it from attacking, like... Why? Vegetables, even for someone who was opposed to eating them, was pretty non-threatening. And a cucumber could even be kind of a delicious snack. Or at least a really good natural way of flavoring ones water. Which according to her books also had health properties but that was not the point for today's lesson.

Listening to the instructions, she decided immediately to go with the magical way (it was unlikely she'd ever have a knife on her person, but a wand for sure!). Grabbing a cucumber, she practiced saying "scry-bear" a few times to make sure she had decent enough pronunciation before she got distracted enough to ask a quick quick. "Professor Khanna?You said you use your full name to make sure you're the one being protected, but would the cucumber work to protect multiple people? Like... If I just put 'Thanatos' does that mean my family would be in the clear too if we were all together?" Or perhaps it was one person per veggie.

She decided to start with her last name regardless of the answer. And maaaaaybe she'd add Vera, if she felt the need. "Scribere!" She said softly, using her wand to then write out Thanatos carefully into the green food.

Dhruv shook their head. “That seems like an easy fix, doesn’t it? But no, it does not work this way. Should you etch just your surname, the protection will only work for one family member, chosen at random by the Kappa, or more commonly, it will favour the one who gave it the cucumber. In cases of a group, it would be best course of action is to trick the Kappa into bowing.”

SPOILER!!: Haven! <3
Originally Posted by Daemon View Post
Haven side eyed her brother as he decided to sit next to her. It's not the first time, but it's rare enough that Haven still found it surprising. She had peeked to check his answer was correct though, to save him any potential embarrassment. To save her any embarrassment too, by association. But Sailor was very smart. She didn't often need to worry about him in that aspect.

After mumbling some sort of answer to the Professor's first question, her gaze shifted to the kappa in the tank as the class was given their second assignment. It was acting oddly, in her opinion. Too sentient, for a beast confined in a tank. It made Haven uncomfortable. She moved her attention back to the professor as a spell was mentioned, because that was always the most useful part of DADA. The kappa wasn't her problem.

The sixth year summoned two cucumbers from the pile in quick succession, handing the smaller one to Sailor. "Knife or spell?" she asked him, flicking her own wand from its holster. She was quiet adept at knife work already, and liked the idea of this spell. Simple and effective. "Professor," Haven asked as she began carving the letter 'H', mumbling the incantation under her breath, "would this etching spell work on anything?"

Dhruv peered at Haven’s work which she had just gotten started on. They were pleased to see she wasn’t having difficulty with the spell. “It would. While it is not permanent, do be mindful of where you do your carvings.” Like on the walls of Hogwarts Castle for example. But they trusted the older Hufflepuff had good judgement.

SPOILER!!: Mitsuki! <3 Saving this image just because Dhruv is sentimental about it in my head :3
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Mitsuki did not mind Mercer's invasion of her creative space all that much, the smudges his fingers made while poking the ink added to the water effect of the rain, but what she did mind was her piece of parchment being unceremoniously torn from right beneath her quill before she had added a few more final touches. She did not lament the loss too much, however, and simply grabbed another piece of parchment to begin another drawing. Though that maneuver too ceased prematurely and she gave the professor her attention for a brief moment.

She found it interesting that 'sea demon' was a descriptor used here seeing as the kappa she knew were no where near the sea but rather rivers and lakes. One of the older professors a Himitsumahou liked to call them 'river children' and Mitsuki had always liked that description. She did not ask about this, however, seeing as the professor ought to know something she did not or else he would not be a professor. Though she may ask her uncle the next time she wrote to him - he was the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Himitsumahou, after all.

Attention back down to her blank parchment, Mitsuki once again began drawing a kappa and somewhat tuned out everyone else's answers. Everyone except Mercer's, however, and that also meant that she heard the professor's response. This kappa had come all the way from Japan just for their class? The creature must be terribly tired and confused. "Do you think they the ones we met at Lake Saiko over the summer?" she asked her friend with eyes slightly widening in her curiosity. She also heard that they would need a cucumber, so Mitsuki rose from her seat and smoothed down her skirt before gliding over to collect her own. Only she didn't come back with just one cucumber but two - one for herself and another for Mercer in case he got hungry.

Her attention once again waking and waning between this reality and the next, it was no wonder that the Ravenclaw once again misheard instructions as she began carving into her cucumber the mundane way with her own silver knife.

Hmmm...perhaps some decorations on this as well...

Mitsuki need not worry about the Kappa; it was well taken care of. Most importantly, Dhruv always prided themself in being considerate with any creature secured for their lessons. A Kappa might be a danger to humans but it was still innocent. At least while it was in the tank and not in open bodies of water. They paused by the girl, expecting to catch a glimpse of her own name as she was clearly working quite diligently. Dhruv’s gaze fastened on the cucumber for some seconds longer than necessary in surprise. “Ms. Rasting, excellent display of skill with your carving, however, I think you’ve gotten yourself a little mixed up. Your name has to be carved on the cucumber.” Nothing to worry about! This was an easy fix as there were still plenty of the veggie left.

SPOILER!!: Maxine! <3
Originally Posted by love-for-HP View Post
Seemed like such an odd way to appease a water demon - but hey cucumbers were good so who was Maxine to judge. She mad her way to the front of the room smiled and waved at the Kappa .... maybe being friendly toward it would help to .... grabbed the vetable and went back to her seat.

She was going to give magic a try on this one. Taking of her wand and saying the incandtation she began to draw out Maxine Rae Bixby. Afterall the Professor was rather smart to use their whole name - although Maxine had yet to meet another person with her name let alone another student, but in the real world some old lady ... but yes Maxine was an old lady name ... might be in the same place as her and the water demon.

"Does the hand writing need to be legable? Like are they reading the name? Or is this a 'it's the thought that counts' kind of situtation?" Because Maxine wasn't sure that her name was entirely readable on a cucumber.

For the record, Dhruv did not think that Maxine was an old lady’s name. They knew another Maxine or two {thanks to all his travels} and none were old. Yet. They could see why Maxine of Gryffindor House would ask such a question though; the name on the carving would not have been able to be read at first glance. “It’s the latter situation; effort matters. Don’t you worry about it.” They offered Maxine a smile. Full points for effort!

SPOILER!!: Daniel! <3
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi View Post
He had learned about the creature inside the tank through his own studies last year which meant that Daniel was not taking notes. He already had them written down inside the little notebook in his bag. So should the professor mention that he wasn't paying attention, he could show that he was ten steps ahead.

It was interesting to see how the Kappa's entire demeanor changed when the new professor informed them that they would be practicing how to guard themselves against the creatures. Did this imply that Kappas understood human speech? Could Kappas speak? Or was it the sight of the cucumbers that sparked the Kappa's rage because it had experience with what would happen? The Hufflepuff had a lot of questions, both about the Kappa and the carving of the cucumber but again, he didn't speak. He figured someone would mention it sooner or later. That, or he would go to the library and do some extra research. He preferred self-study over asking these days anyway.

Daniel rose from his seat and walked to the front of the classroom, his hands deep inside his robe pockets. To pass the time while waiting in line, the Hufflepuff read the answers on the blackboard. When it was his turn, Daniel pulled one hand out of his pocket and took a cucumber from the container before returning to his desk.

He sat down again and rolled up his sleeve to retrieve his wand. He was studying magic at a magical school. He refused to carve his name with a regular knife. He rolled the cucumber around until he found a suitable surface to carve his name into, then pointed his wand at it. The Hufflepuff mumbled the incantation firmly and intently while hovering his wand an inch above the cucumber. "Scribere" the spell worked instantly, and Daniel moved it vertically before making his first letter, a backward C.

It took a few moments and he began to get irritated that the top and bottom lines of his E were not the same length, but he eventually placed his wand on the desk, a rare smile on his face. He was pleased with the outcome.

Dhruv doubted that they had ever met a student quieter than Daniel. Everyone had their own way of learning and the professor was in no way judging him for being the ‘silent’ sort of student. In any case, the Hufflepuff was participating in the activity now though… was that irritation they detected? Dhruv eventually made their way to Daniel who, by that time, had finished the little project. “Nicely done, Mr. Yoon.”

SPOILER!!: Brandon! <3
Originally Posted by astrocat View Post
So they were carving their names into cucumbers to protect themselves from kappas. That was fine. Except... they wouldn't be in any real danger, right? They'd just be giving the kappa a cucumber present? Right?

...he wanted to make sure he was EXTRA prepared. He grabbed two cucumbers, meaning to write his name both ways. One with a knife, one with his wand. He set one cucumber carefully in front of him, holding on to it with his left hand. Then, with his wand hand, he used "Scribere." It worked on the first try, but it kept stopping and and didn't carve clearly enough so he had to cast several times to get it working.


He set the cucumber aside, and grabbed the other one. His wand was replaced with a potions knife as he carved his name in carefully. He was a little anxious that he'd get a cut by accident, but he had a very steady, precise hand and it turned out to be even less trouble than he had with his wand.


His cucumbers prepared, Brandon added more to his notes on kappas. He took VERY detailed notes, and it took time.

Nope, no danger here, Brandon! Was he preparing for the kappa to make an escape {this was not likely because all necessary charms were in place} because Dhruv spotted the first year working on his second cucumber now, this time with the knife. Then again, maybe Brandon wanted to get the feel of the activity both the magical and mundane way. “Perfect. On both counts.”

SPOILER!!: Phoenix! <3
Originally Posted by emjay View Post
Phoenix was rather fascinated by the kappa in the tank. Of course he knew what they were, but he'd never seen one up close before and now was really the most opportune time with it being in the tank, not easily able to harm anyone. He recorded some observations about it in his journal while the professor spoke and his classmates contributed to the discussion.

But when it was time to get a cucumber, the third year set aside his still opened journal to magically retrieve the vegetable. "What do kappas do with the cucumbers, Professor?" he asked curiously before accio'ing the vegetable to him. He was always a fan of doing things the magical way. He was a wizard after all and welcomed the practice. "Do they eat them, or do something else with them?" He imagined the most logical answer was that they ate them, but this kappa was about to be overwhelmed with cucumbers. It was also a funny thought to think about kappas with an inscribed cucumber collection.

And yes, he would be inscribing the cucumber magically as well. Phoenix was not as familiar with this inscribing spell, but he really appreciated the chance to learn a new spell and to practice it. He had watched the professor demonstrate, then practiced the incantation and wand movement himself before putting it all together. "Scribere!" he commanded as he slowly traced his name - Phoenix Marchbanks. The letters began to etch into the cucumber, though it felt a little sloppy to the Ravenclaw. Clearly he would need more practice with this spell.

“Kappas are quite fond of eating them,’’ Dhruv replied with certainty. After all, they’d seen this occurrence many times. They’d always suspected that cucumbers were a Kappa’s favourite; aside from human blood, of course. “Excellently done,’’ they added with enthusiasm upon seeing Phoenix’s spell work.

OOC: Loving all the interactions happening here, guys! There's still a bit over twenty four hours left for this mini activity!
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