Which came first, the phoenix or the flame? Brandon's smile widened as Maisey's did. He was very in tune with other people's expressions and body language, and hers made him relaxed. "I agree! However, I also really appreciate woodwinds, and I love the piano's sound. Is a piano a string instrument or percussion or both? Has anyone figured that out yet?" Oh, and Brandon liked vocals too. Regulus had recently introduced him to some new music, and he was still going through it. "That's great! Arts and physical activity are very good hobbies to have." Apparently, they were good for your health. Brandon thought a lot about HEALTH and how one would go about living a healthy life. Or help someone else live one. But those were all his private thoughts and wonderings. "I like swimming, ballet, reading, poetry, animals, hair braiding, and taking care of people. That's a lot, I know..." He looked awkwardly at his feet. This was around the point where people started to make fun of his hobbies. Not that he expected Maisey to. But he never knew when to expect it and when not to. |